Our operators are waiting for your call:

You can also order a taxi right here:

Estimate your Fare


Rate breakdown

# Base Rate
1. First 1/4 mile or part thereof $ 3.50
2. Each additional 1/4 mile or part thereof $ 0.60
3. Each additional passenger $ 2.50
4. Every 60 seconds of waiting time (Stopped or in Traffic) $ 0.60
5. Minivan Service $ 10.00
6. Minimum Charge in Cash or Credit Card $ 15.00
7. Night Surcharge (After 9:00 PM & Before 6:00 AM) $ 3.50
8. Surcharge when a snow emergency is declared $ 5.00
9. Additional Charge if Taxicab is Left Unsanitary and Requires Cleaning. $ 20.00

Find what you lost

Lost and Found


To help expedite the recovery or your lost item please have the following information available:

  1. Name, Phone Number
  2. Time, date and location of pickup
  3. A description of the item
  4. If possible, the cab number and wether you flag the cab or call

Call us

If you are trying to locate a lost item please call our Customer Service Department at 703-865-5611 on weekdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..

Read Carefully

Everyone has experienced that terrible feeling when they have lost an item of value. Each year we register thousands of lost items that were left accidentally in our taxis. Our goal is to return misplaced belongings to their rightful owners. Lost and found items turned in by an independent contractor or by a passenger, are logged in on a daily basis during the week (Monday through Friday)..

contact form

Or simply fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible..
